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Greg Rabidoux

Award Winning Filmmaker and Author

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The Insatiable Dragon

New Release

An explosive new book which tells the uncensored truth about when, why, and how China took control of Hollywood and what it means for the future of film!


Filled with behind-the-scenes anecdotes, industry facts and an insider's POV, The Insatiable Dragon also provides Hollywood with the way out of their current plight to regain its place at the top of the movie mountain. The truth may indeed set you free, but the real question is, "Can you handle the truth?" 

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Order Now

Hollywood is now China's puppet...China has bought our silence with their money.

Judd Apatow, Hollywood film director

On China's Control of Hollywood

They (China) have amazing influence...China will penalize the studio or filmmakers involved with a particular movie, so that they can't get other movies in, and that's definitely something we need to stop.

Chris Fenton, Former President of DMG Entertainment Motion Picture Group

Hollywood now regularly censors its own movies to appease the Chinese Communist Party, the world's most powerful violator of human rights. 

William Barr, former US Attorney General 

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Stolen Babies of Spain: An Award-Winning Documentary Film. Written and Directed by Greg Rabidoux

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Watch the award-winning documentary film-Stolen Babies of Spain Today!

Stolen Babies of Spain (2019)IMDb


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Coming Soon!

Letters to the Pope: One Man's Quest for the Truth

A documentary film written and directed by Greg Rabidoux

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About Greg Rabidoux

Greg is the director and writer of the award winning film, Stolen Babies of Spain, author of The Insatiable Dragon, and Hollywood Politicos: Then and Now, and has written several screenplays, including, The Diva, and Red Scared. Greg is currently in post-production on a film about the Pope and an alleged cover-up, and is in production for a film written by Greg, called My Sister, My Hero. When not working on films or writing, Greg teaches film at CCU in South Carolina.

Greg did his film directing training at NYU Film, and has an earned Ph.D in politics and film.

© 2022 by G. Rabidoux 

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